Saturday, July 9, 2011

Homework I command thee be done

The title is not original:) Its stolen from Calvin. But those are my exact thoughts as I deal with my son's homework. Homework has changed over the years. From a straightforward read a lesson and write the answers or solve Math sums, it has moved to more creative forms. So son has to identify words and write them in weird, tiny cloud shaped boxes. There is never enough space to fill in the words and he finds it totally dumb. Another 'fun and imaginative' homework is writing words with different colored crayons, sometimes it also gets 'funner' (in son's vocabulary) where you get to write words with rainbow colors - so basically you can't rub what is once written and given an average six year old rubs each word at least three times, you can imagine what I am dealing with here. My favorite is match the correct answer. Last week he had to match like 30 things on one tiny page. Needless to say he needed 'no help' and refused to use a scale to do the joining. So once he was done the page looked like a google map. (I know they are useful. But I can't read maps. I rely on the goodwill of mankind to take me to places.)
Anyway son in his infinite wisdom has figured it out," Its homework Mummy. Its not supposed to be fun or anything. For that we have to do other things like play and all."

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